OnlineOrNot updates from September 2024

Max Rozen

Max Rozen / October 07, 2024

A quieter month this time around: you can now customize your status pages, there are additional overall statuses for status pages, and I fixed a few bugs.

Table of contents

What's new

Features for status pages

Custom logos and favicons for Status Pages

For a while now, OnlineOrNot's status pages all looked the same: a brand name, followed by some uptime bars:

Scheduled maintenance - OnlineOrNot Status Page

This worked fine if you wanted a bare-bones status page, but what if you wanted it to display your logo and favicon? Now you can!

In the Settings tab of your status page, you can now customize your favicon, and your light-mode and dark-mode logos:

Scheduled maintenance - OnlineOrNot Status Page

This way, your status page can match your website's design, and you'll keep your designers happy:

Scheduled maintenance - OnlineOrNot Status Page

Changing how overall status works

Before this update, status pages had two overall statuses: "All Systems Operational" and "There is an ongoing incident". They were linked to incidents, and the only way to update your overall status was by creating or resolving an incident.

With this update, overall status on a status page is now controlled by components. Changing an individual component's status to "Major outage", "Partial outage", "Degraded performance" or "Maintenance" will also change your page's status:

Additional statuses - OnlineOrNot Status Page

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a bug in the uptime percentage calculation on status pages. It would previously ignore incidents on the first day of a component's existence
  • Status pages now load approximately 500ms faster thanks to a performance optimization

What's next

Here's what is still planned for the coming months:

  • Ability to subscribe to status pages via webhook
  • Ability to push third-party metrics and plot graphs to showcase for customers
  • Display historical uptime stats for the past year in a calendar
  • Ability to create or update incident updates through APIs

Thank you

OnlineOrNot only exists because of folks like you. I don't have a massive marketing budget, or time to do it all myself.

OnlineOrNot sustains itself from folks like you enjoying it enough to tell your friends and colleagues about it.

As always: here's an ask:

I work on things that people care enough about to tell me about them. If you think there's something missing, or something that needs improving, I'd like to know more!

You can either reply to this email/email me at, or book time in my calendar if you'd like to chat face-to-face.

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