What's new in OnlineOrNot

OnlineOrNot is updated multiple times per day. This page lists major new features for a quick overview.

Follow on Discord, Twitter, or LinkedIn for more frequent updates.

September 25, 2024 - Custom logos and favicons for Status Pages

For a while now, OnlineOrNot's status pages all looked the same: a brand name, followed by some uptime bars:

Old Status Pages - OnlineOrNot

This worked fine if you wanted a bare-bones status page, but what if you wanted it to display your logo and favicon? Now you can!

In the Settings tab of your status page, you can now customise your favicon, and your light-mode and dark-mode logos:

Customised Logos for Status Pages - OnlineOrNot

This way, your status page can match your website's design, and you'll keep your designers happy:

Status Pages with custom logos - OnlineOrNot

September 04, 2024 - Scheduled maintenance for Status Pages

Sometimes you realise ahead of time that you need to take your service offline for a bit while you run updates. You already have enough on your plate, why worry about keeping the status page updated too?

Introducing: scheduled maintenance for status pages.

Keep your customers updated on how your scheduled maintenance is progressing, and when they can use your service again, automatically:

Scheduled Maintenance - OnlineOrNot Status Page

September 03, 2024 - Pingdom Integration for Status Pages

You might already have uptime checks that you've been running for years in Pingdom. It does everything you need, and it's a total pain to move uptime monitoring when you've had it running for years, I get it.

What if you still wanted an OnlineOrNot status page for your Pingdom uptime checks?

You're in luck, because OnlineOrNot now integrates with Pingdom to update your status page:

Pingdom integration - OnlineOrNot Status Page

For further information, check out the documentation.

August 06, 2024 - Retrospective Incidents for Status Pages

Ever internally declare an incident, have your team fix the issue, and in the heat of the moment completely forget to update your status page?

It happens more often than you'd think, which is why OnlineOrNot now supports adding incidents that happened in the past:

Retrospective incidents - OnlineOrNot Status Page

July 19, 2024 - Descriptions and hiding from search engines for Status Pages

You can now add descriptions (in markdown) to status pages, and hide them from being indexed by search engines.

Descriptions - OnlineOrNot Status Page

To update your status page's settings, click into your status page's dashboard and visit the "Settings" tab.

In the "Settings" tab, you'll find a new Description field, and a checkbox for disabling search engines from indexing your status page:

Search engine blocking - OnlineOrNot Status Page

July 17, 2024 - Incident history for Status Pages

Each status page now displays more than just the last fourteen days of incidents: you can now access your status page's entire incident history.

Incident History - OnlineOrNot Status Page

To access a status page's incident history, scroll down to "Recent Incidents" and click the "view incident history" link to the right.

June 10, 2024 - IP allowlisting for Status Pages

You might want to restrict access to your status page, but not want to share a password around.

For these cases, OnlineOrNot now supports IP allowlisting:IP Allowlisting - OnlineOrNot Status Page

You can add a list of IP addresses, and only those IPs will be able to access your status page. This feature supports IPv4, IPv6, and their CIDR ranges.

June 6, 2024 - Individually update component status

Fine-grained management for your incidents

There's no sugar-coating it: incidents can get complicated. To help, OnlineOrNot now supports updating components as your incident occurs, for components that recover before others.

Here's a concrete example of how this works. Say your AI provider goes down, impacting your API:Incident Start - OnlineOrNot Status PageHalf an hour passes, your AI provider comes back online, but your API has degraded performance as your users rush to use your service again:Incident Update - OnlineOrNot Status PageFinally, your API scales up to meet demand, and your service is operating as normal, so you resolve the incident:Incident End - OnlineOrNot Status Page

In short, OnlineOrNot now supports letting your users know on a per-update level, how your incident is progressing, and what the status of each component is.

April 24, 2024 - Grouping for status pages, and incident.io support

Introducing Groups

Your status page can get a little busy once you've added your own system components next to components from your vendors and other third parties.

Grouping your components lets you separate your system into logical parts, to make it easier to understand your status at a glance.

As a common example, let's say you've integrated deeply with OpenAI (and a few other vendors), and want to let your customers know when issues with their services may impact your own:Ungrouped OnlineOrNot Status PageEven with a single third-party vendor, it starts to become difficult to see where your service ends, and theirs begins.

Grouping simplifies things:Grouped OnlineOrNot Status Page

Incident.io support

Incident.io lets you manage incidents entirely within your Slack, handle on-call, manage runbooks, and learn from your incidents with post-incident reviews.

Side note: as a big fan of innovation in the on-call/incident management space myself, I'm (Max here) pretty excited about this integration.

All uptime checks and cron/scheduled task checks now support sending alerts to incident.io:Incident.io integration with OnlineOrNot alerts

To get started:

  • create an alert source in incident.io
  • add the alert source URL and token in OnlineOrNot's Incident.io integration panel (you'll find it under Settings)
  • once added, all checks will have a new section in their alert settings: Incident.io alert settings with OnlineOrNot

You can find further information in our docs.

April 19, 2024 - Deeper cron job support with heartbeat checks

OnlineOrNot now supports monitoring even the most complicated cron schedules with Heartbeat Checks.

To get started:

  1. add the cron expression and server timezone in the UI: Cron Job alerting for OnlineOrNot Checks
  2. add curl oonchk.com/your_id_here to your cron job
  3. get immediate alerts via Email, SMS, Slack, PagerDuty, and more when it fails to run

April 2, 2024 - Manage status pages through the API

Manually setting up a single status page can be fine, but what if you have dozens, or even hundreds of pages to manage?

To make this easier, OnlineOrNot now provides API endpoints for managing status pages, status page components, and status page incidents.

I've also begun work on an official terraform provider for OnlineOrNot, soon you'll be able to manage status pages (and more) through an infrastructure-as-code setup.

March 23, 2024 - Reminder alerts

You might get a notification from OnlineOrNot during a meeting, and not realise your website never came back online.

To make sure this doesn't happen accidentally, OnlineOrNot now sends reminder notifications for Slack, Discord, SMS, and email alerts until your website/API or cron job comes back online. You can tweak the frequency under a Check's alert settings.

Reminder alerts for OnlineOrNot Checks

March 05, 2024 - First-party SMS alerts, Status Page improvements and more

In February, I focused on quality of life improvements for Status Pages and Uptime Checks. While they aren't big features, they will enable big features later on.

What's new

Uptime Check Improvements
  • OnlineOrNot now supports sending SMS alerts for folks on the paid plans, without the need for your own Twilio account

    To configure it, you need to add a phone number in your user profile, and your Uptime Check needs to have "Alert Priority" set to "High"
  • Uptime Checks now support checking from India
    OnlineOrNot Checks from India
  • The Uptime Checks results history table now displays why an Uptime Check failed when the reason is an assertion failure or the text to search for wasn't found
    Result Table Text Missing from Uptime Check
Status Page improvements
  • When creating a Status Page, you no longer need to specify the components you want to keep track of to be able to create the Status Page
  • Components now display their individual status on a Status Page
  • You can now re-order Status Page components in the OnlineOrNot application
    Status Pages Reorder Components
  • You can now disable the displaying of historical uptime for a component on a Status Page (useful for when you have many components, and just want to display the current status compactly)

February 03, 2024 - Adopting OpenAPI, and better observability

New OpenAPI Schema and API documentation

OnlineOrNot's public API was originally written to serve a single purpose: provide data for the CLI. The documentation for the API was handwritten, and lovingly placed alongside OnlineOrNot's other hand-written docs.

Back in December, I automated this process (I wrote more about the technical details here), and today I'm publishing an automatically updated OpenAPI schema and a new API documentation hub:

OnlineOrNot API documentation

Better Observability

Up until now, OnlineOrNot would only ever tell you if your website or API was up or down, and roughly how long your website or API took to serve a request. Actually figuring out what was wrong was "left as an exercise for the reader", like an academic textbook.

As a user of OnlineOrNot, you would have one of two reactions to this:

  1. I better investigate my logs around that time, see if the database backup job isn't accidentally killing our website at the same time.

  2. Nah, that's a false alarm, no way the website goes down at exactly 2am every single day.

To remedy this, in January I focused on making every request result (HTTP status code, region it checked from, response time, date and time checked) available in the dashboard, as well as the request/response metadata (request headers, response headers and response body).

Every uptime check in OnlineOrNot now displays a list of recent checks:

OnlineOrNot API documentation

with an option to view all checks, and filter by failing checks:

OnlineOrNot API documentation

December 1, 2023 - New status page features: dark mode, new graphs, and a YouTube channel

Dark Mode for Status Pages

A common ask from folks (and their own customers) is to make OnlineOrNot Status Pages less blinding when viewed on a system that has a dark-mode theme enabled.

So we now support dark mode:

Dark Mode for Status Pages

By default, OnlineOrNot Status Pages will use the user's system theme to decide whether to default to dark mode or not. Dark mode itself can be toggled by clicking the moon/sun icon at the bottom of each status page.

New graphs

While compact, OnlineOrNot's old Status Page graphs were often difficult to read, and tried to pack too much information into a small space.

We now have new graphs:

New Graphs for Status Pages

The new graphs are:

  • interactive, with tooltips displaying each data point
  • visually larger, with y-axis grid lines for easier reading

You can add metrics graphs to your OnlineOrNot Status Pages by adding uptime checks to them, as described in this support article.

Documentation as a YouTube channel

While OnlineOrNot has a fairly comprehensive set of documentation, not everyone learns best by reading. To remedy this, I started a dedicated YouTube Channel for OnlineOrNot, and a Screencasts page, where folks can visually learn how to configure OnlineOrNot for their use case:

Screencasts page

Want a feature explained in a video? Let me know!

October 2, 2023 - Cron Job Monitoring, on-call integrations, and more

Cron job monitoring

I mainly spent September refining cron job monitoring functionality - the system handles millions of cron job checks per day, and is now production-ready.

Cron job monitoring flips how OnlineOrNot works in reverse: instead of checking your website to see if it's online, with cron job monitoring you tell OnlineOrNot if your cron job/scheduled task/IoT device/internet connection is still online via HTTP request, and if the time between requests is too long, you'll get an alert.

After a bit of feedback (particular thanks to Jens!) from OnlineOrNot's customers, quite a few things got built and fixed for cron job monitoring:

  • You can now display the status of your cron job on our status pages, and have OnlineOrNot automatically open and close incidents based on your cron job monitoring
  • You can now send alerts about your cron jobs to the following places:
    • SMS
    • Email
    • Discord/Slack
    • Webhooks
    • On-call integrations: PagerDuty/Opsgenie/Grafana OnCall/Spike.sh
  • Cron job monitoring now lives on its own dedicated infrastructure, redundantly across several AWS regions
  • Fixed several bugs in the heartbeat monitoring graphs

On-call integrations

On-call integrations aren't just for cron job monitoring by the way!

Back in late July I added support for uptime checks to alert based on your team's existing on-call roster for:

June 8, 2023 - Multiple Slack channels, and more

The headline feature is that I've updated how Slack integrations work with OnlineOrNot: you can now disable Slack alerts for an uptime check, or even pick which channel alerts should go to. Folks on the Team plan and above can add multiple Slack channels, and send alerts directly to individual people in your Slack.

Not everyone uses Slack of course, there were other updates:

  • Admins of OnlineOrNot teams can now remove people from a team
  • You can now monitor entire HTML tags with the "Text to search for" setting in Uptime Checks
  • OnlineOrNot has been accepted as a "known bot" in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This means once GA4 updates (I'm told this will happen by June 23), uptime checks won't appear in your GA4 analytics anymore
  • Cron Job Monitoring is now available as a beta preview. The feature is still being refined in beta, but now anyone can try them out.

March 14, 2023 - Announcing multi-location, and geo-specific monitoring

OnlineOrNot now lets you decide where we should run your check from.

To start with, we support:

  • US East
  • US West
  • Europe
  • Australia
  • Japan

You can pick all of these locations, or just one - it's up to you!

Uptime Checks from multiple locations

March 6, 2023 - Uptime Checks every 30 seconds

All paid customers of OnlineOrNot now have access to uptime checks every 30 seconds.

This is particularly useful if you want to know if your website, web app, or API is down really fast, or to catch sub-minute outages.

Uptime Checks every 30 seconds

March 1, 2023 - Public API and CLI

You can now check on your uptime checks from the comfort of your own terminal, thanks to our newly released open-source CLI.

On top of that, you can also write your own code to add and remove checks, and double check your uptime checks via the API.

Public API and CLI

For information on how to set it up, see our CLI documentation and API documentation.

August 23, 2022 - Private Status Pages

You can now keep your status pages private by setting a password on them.

This is useful if you want to share your status page with your team, but don't want to share it with the public.

Private status pages

For more information, as well as instructions on how to set it up, see our documentation.

July 12, 2022 - Status Pages

You can now automatically keep your users up to date when your site goes down, thanks to OnlineOrNot Status Pages.

Status pages by OnlineOrNot

As this is an initial release, it's limited in functionality. However in the coming months, you'll be able to add any uptime monitoring service as a source, and your users will be able to subscribe to updates across Email, Slack/Discord, and SMS.

We have documentation for:

March 21, 2022 - SMS via Twilio

You can now bring your Twilio account to OnlineOrNot, and receive unlimited SMS alerts when things go wrong!

For more information, check out the docs.

February 28, 2022 - SSL verification

Verify SSL with OnlineOrNot

OnlineOrNot now supports SSL verification!

If while doing a routine check, OnlineOrNot notices that your website's SSL certificate is no longer valid, we'll let you know as per your alert settings.

February 2, 2022 - Alert after several failed checks

Alert after several failed checks

The internet can be a pretty flaky place, and sometimes you only want to be notified if a check has failed several times sequentially.

OnlineOrNot now lets all users delay their alerts until they've been failing several times in a row (this feature used to be only for customers on paid plans).

January 5, 2022 - Uptime Checks on the go

Sometimes you just want to see how your sites are doing at a glance.

OnlineOrNot now has first-class support for mobile in its web app, having redesigned the main dashboard to make it easier to see all your checks at a glance.

November 29, 2021 - Assertions

Monitoring that your website or API is still running is great and all, but there's no guarantee that the data coming back is correct.

A few weeks ago with the release of our API Monitoring feature, we promised a way to run more advanced correctness checks.

Today we're releasing Assertions - a way to check that your API is responding the way you expect it to.


November 16, 2021 - API Monitoring

Before today, OnlineOrNot had only basic API monitoring support: you could monitor your API endpoint with GET requests.

Today we're launching our API Monitoring support with the following features:

  • Setting HTTP request method (GET, POST, etc)
  • Setting HTTP request body
  • Setting HTTP request custom headers
  • Following redirects
HTTP Options

In the coming weeks you'll also be able to make requests with HTTP Authorization, verify HTTP status codes, and perform more advanced correctness checks.

October 21, 2021 - Uptime and Browser Checks, Around the World

OnlineOrNot's Uptime and Browser Checks have always automatically checked around the world before alerting you that your website is down. However, unless you were a paying customer, the first check would come from Virginia, USA by default.

(This lead to some interesting false-positives for those of us with clients that geo-block certain regions from visiting their sites!)

As of today, you can now pick which one of our supported regions OnlineOrNot monitors from, on all new and existing Uptime and Browser Checks!

See it in action (7 MB GIF)

October 4, 2021 - Discord Alerts

Not a fan of Slack? If your team is using Discord, as of today you can send all of your notifications to a channel in Discord.

Head over to the Docs for more details, or skip the details and add the Discord integration to your OnlineOrNot account.

August 19, 2021 - Alert Priority and Pausing checks

When you're running scheduled maintenance, the last thing you need is a noisy uptime check spamming your team.

OnlineOrNot now provides you with two more ways to control your alerting.

  1. Alert Priority - define your alerts as either High priority, or Low priority. When low priority uptime checks fail, you'll receive fewer alerts. For more information, check out the docs.
  2. Pausing Checks - completely stop your uptime checks from running, anytime you want. Particularly useful for when you know your page will flip/flop while recovering from maintenance, and you don't want to be alerted. For more information, check out the docs.

June 22, 2021 - Browser Checks

Tired of looking for uptime checks for your client-rendered web app, and winding up disappointed that client-side rendered apps (using React, Vue, or Angular) aren't supported?

As of today, OnlineOrNot supports running Google's Puppeteer to drive a browser that checks your web app is working as expected.

Check out our pricing to see plan inclusions.

May 28, 2021 - Webhook Alerts

Webhook Alerts are here! Users on paid plans can now receive JSON, to any provided URL for incidents.

For more details, including sample JSON, see the docs.

May 11, 2021 - SMS Alerts

SMS Alerts are here! Users on paid plans are now able to receive SMS alerts for incidents.

Particularly handy for when you mute Slack and Email notifications overnight, but still want an alert to wake you up if things go wrong.

Mar 28, 2021 - Weekly uptime report

For easier reporting, OnlineOrNot now sends a weekly email every Monday at midnight UTC with a summary of your pages' uptime percentage, downtime (in minutes), and number of incidents.

Mar 14, 2021 - Retries and waiting before alerting

Sometimes you've got a particularly flaky site that tends to go down for less than a minute, a few times a day. You figure it's not a big deal, but you're not sure how to silence the alerts.

OnlineOrNot now provides you with two ways to control how many alerts your monitors send you.

  1. Retries - Retries let you specify how many times you want to re-check a site before giving up
  2. Alert after several failures - It's now possible to wait until several sequential checks have failed before sending an alert

Mar 13, 2021 - Slack Alerts

Don't want to risk missing alerts in your email inbox? Now you don't have to!

As of today, you can now choose to receive your OnlineOrNot alerts in Slack, so anyone on your team that's interested in your alerts can see what's happening.

Mar 9, 2021 - Search for text

Sometimes pages will return the HTTP status code you expect (HTTP 200), but display a white screen. In these cases, you want a monitor that can check if some text is on the page, to know everything is alright.

As of today, both free and paid users are able to search for text on the pages they monitor.

Mar 7, 2021 - Monitor 5x as often!

Outages can often start and finish within five minutes, leaving your monitoring completely blind to what happened.

Customers on paid plans are now able to monitor their pages every minute, rather than every five minutes, to avoid this issue.

Mar 5, 2021 - Email notifications

You can now receive outage notifications via email!

OnlineOrNot will send you an email if a page becomes unreachable, and another email when it comes back again.

Mar 3, 2021 - Initial release

You can now try out OnlineOrNot.

Its first release is fairly limited: You can monitor sites, and see in a dashboard if the site is online, or not.

Start monitoring
in 30 seconds:

No credit card required.